Shipping Companies & Agents

Total 33 Results Found

Allied Freight Services Pte Ltd

Lot 6 Jai Hanuman Rd Vatuwaqa , Suva 3310881

Goundar Shipping Services

Tofua St Walu Bay , Suva 3301035

Zhong Fei Shipping Agencies Ltd

Usher St , Suva 3311139

Interlink Shipping Line Pte Ltd

Lot 1 Grantham Rd Rwqa , Suva 3383253

Export Freight Services Ltd

Tamavua-i-Wai WBay , Suva 3305044

Shipping Services (Fiji) Pte Ltd

2 Nukutuku Rd Lami , Fiji 3305577

Over the years Shipping Services (Fiji) Pte Ltd has been a part of Fiji’s growing economy, shipping fish, garments, artesian water, manufactured foodstuff, timber and agricultural crops. Through our world liner network, we carry to Fiji products and equipment for many satisfied customers and companies.

NPT Agency

82 Harris Rd Suva , Fiji 3304528

At NPDL we have a dedicated team across the South Pacific, who are committed to providing outstanding service to our customers. We have a reputation as a reliable, end to end liner shipping solution provider for the region. Our operations include shipping, shipping agencies, cruise agencies, stevedoring (port operations), transport and customs clearance, container repair, container sales, container depot operations, fumigation, airfreight, fuel brokerage, warehousing, and waste removal.

Transam (Fiji) Pte Ltd Agencies

187 Rodwell Rd Suva , Fiji 3306241

Transam is the name of the PDL Shipping Agency network operating throughout the South Pacific since 1993. Currently there are eleven Transam Shipping Agencies located in American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji, New Caledonia, Tuvalu, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Tahiti, Tonga, Vanuatu, and Wallis Island

Williams & Gosling Pte Ltd

80 Harris St Suva , Fiji 3312633

Williams & Gosling Ltd. is a pioneer company incorporated in Fiji for over 80 years and now established as the leading freight forwarding and ships agency operation with more than 350 skilled and experienced staff using the latest industry technology. Our growth stems from our strengths - a wide network of corporate and sectoral international agencies, a modern service monitoring and reporting system, for the logistics chain, and a complete package of linked services, within Fiji and with Fiji

Fiji Ports Corporation Ltd

Tofua St, Muaiwalu Hse, Walu Bay , Fiji 3312700