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Search By Category Type
Use this search to locate businesses that offer a particular product or service.
- Enter the type of business you require into the first text box, labelled, "What - keyword or description", of the search box. We have an autocomplete feature inbuilt for you where the search term is refined as you type. Select the desired type of business from the drop down list.
- Alternatively, you can select the categories from the list of categories in the left-most section of the search box.
- In the options box, you can select the "Exact" or "Any" match. Depending on selection, the search results would be returned for entires matching your search term exactly or matching any of the words in your search term.
- Enter the location name in the text box labelled, "Where - servicing centers". If the locality is not important in your search, leave the space blank) to find providers of the business type your require.
- Click on the "Search Listings" button. You can select the distance (in kilometers) and the results returned would be based on the selected radius from your location. Leave it as default (0) to search the worldwide.
- Your results will include listings for that particular type of business. If you had entered just one word for example 'landscape' the results would appear with multiple listings for Landscape Architects and Landscape Gardeners &/or Contractors
Tips for Better Searching
- As you type the Business Type into the first text box of the search page, an auto complete will suggest a list of business types to choose from. Select the most appropriate business type for better search results.
- Check your spelling - whilst some spelling errors may still display a result there are some that won't find a match.